MSI Kombustor has managed to prove itself as one of the most reliable ways of testing capabilities of GPU cards. Today, this app is regularly often used not only by regular PC users and gaming enthusiasts who want to get an overview of their PC components capabilities, but also video game developers who need to optimize their real-time rendering applications for various levels of GPU power. The load limit is reached with complex 3D renderings and various data is recorded.MSI Afterburner beats competitor overclocking utilities with one main thing; user-friendliness. This overclocking utility is sought after by lots of professionals and hobbyists because of its user-friendly design. It is capable of reading your hardware to give you a detailed overview. Other features that make this overclocking utility the crème de la crème of them all are the amazing extra features it comes with including video recording, benchmarking, and customizing fan profiles. Built from the ground up to b...